Research Presentations
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023, November). Franchising the disenfranchised: A qualitative content analysis of support messages in miscarriage sympathy cards. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
Carmack, H. J., Stassen, H., Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023, November). Stage directions and snarky comments: Shadow networks in zoom meetings throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023). “I don’t want to be judged”: Social support and privacy management. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender annual conference.
DeGroot, J. M. (2022, November). “You think this is hard? Just wait…”: Memorable messages in motherhood. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. C. (2022, November). Accidental and purposeful triggers of post-relationship grief. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
Stassen, H., Vik, T. A., Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2022, November). The burdened burdensome woman: A poststructural feminist analysis of discussions of The New York Times’ homeschooling gender (dis)parity article. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
DeGroot, J. M. (2022, November). Finding a place and future for end of life/death communication at NCA. Invited participant on competitively-selected panel at the convention of the National Communication Association.
Burke, T. J., van Raalte, L. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2022, November). Supportive coparenting, affection, and mental health after the birth of a child. Paper on peer-reviewed panel presented at the annual conference of the National Communication Association.
van Raalte, L. J., Burke, T. J., DeGroot, J. M., & Mellow, A. (2022, November). Excessive affection for parents: Examining changes in marital quality during the transition to parenthood. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2022, November). “I don’t want to be judged”: Social support and privacy management. Peer-reviewed competitive paper accepted to the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender (OSCLG) annual conference.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2021, November 18) “I seriously feel like I’m losing my shit every day”: Creating and using Facebook groups for participant narrative and ethnographic sensemaking. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
DeGroot, J. M. (2021). Death, dying, and loss in the time of COVID: The communication of caring from the perspectives of community and culture. Invited participant on roundtable panel at the annual conference of the International Communication Association. Asynchronous virtual presentation.
Strohmeyer, J., & DeGroot, J. (2020, November). Perceptions of post-breakup communication behaviors on social media. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented [asynchronously] at the convention of the National Communication Association.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot, J. M. (2020, November 22). Submitter and participant on panel: “What are we trying to prove?”: At the crossroads of parenting and professoring during COVID-19. Presented at the convention of the National Communication Association.
DeGroot, J. M. (2020, October 1). Navigating risk: Mothering, decentering privilege, and parenting during COVID-19. Invited participant on roundtable panel at the convention of the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language & Gender. Synchronous virtual presentation.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. (2019, November). “I don’t let everyone see my struggles”: Mothers’ social support and privacy management. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Hess, J., & DeGroot, J. (2019, November). “I was honestly giddy at how idiotic she was”: Perceptions and roles of coworkers in organizational dissent on Facebook. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
**Result of independent study with graduate student
Mossor, R., King, S., & DeGroot, J. M. (2018, November). Attachment style differences in jealousy-evoking behavior within romantic relationships Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot., J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2018, November). “A punch in the gut”: The social construction of grief meaning-making following Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential election loss. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT [Top 4 Paper in Communication as Social Construction Division].
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2018, November). Communication apprehension about death, religious group affiliation, and religiosity: Predictors of organ and body donation decisions. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2018, November). Robbery, wrecks, and the apocalypse: Metaphor use after Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 US Presidential election. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT.
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2018, November). “Fake smile. Everything is under control.: Performing motherhood on Facebook. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT [Top 4 Paper in Performance Studies Division].
Huber, C., & DeGroot, J. M. (2017, November). Creeping and stalking behaviors in online and offline contexts. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot, J. M., & Young, V. J. (2016, November). “I’d rather not give her any ammunition”: Avoidance strategies in nonvoluntary relationships with mothers-in-law. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Johnson, R. L., & DeGroot, J. M. (2015, November). Leaving the chair empty: Student experiences following the death of a classmate. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
**Result of graduate student thesis
Young, V. J., Armstrong, K., Sander, A., Merrit, J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2015, November). Relationship characteristics mediate topic avoidance and relationship quality with mothers-in-law. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
DeGroot, J. M. (2014, November). “We were not prepared to tell people yet”: Communication privacy management and boundary turbulence on Facebook. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
DeGroot, J. M., Carmack, H. J., Quinlan, M. M. (2014, November). “Topping from the bottom”: Constructing relationship empowerment in domestic discipline counternarratives. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2014, November). Development and validation of the Communication Apprehension about Death Scale. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. [Top 4 Paper in the Communication Apprehension Division].
DeGroot, J. M., Young, V. J., & VanSlette, S. (2014, November). Twitter use and its effects on student perception of instructor credibility. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
DeGroot, J. M., Martinez, N., & Tepatti, C. (2014, November). Facebook frenemies: Investigating Facebook creeping and stalking. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot, J. M. (2013, November). Mastering master’s education: Connecting personal, professional, institution, and disciplinary goals amongst M.A./M.S. programs in communication. Invited participant on roundtable panel at the convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.
DeGroot, J. M., Corbitt, A., Krewson, H., & Johnson, R. (2013, November). “That is not a way to talk to your professor”: E-mail expectations between college students and professors. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, DC.
**Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2012, November). Exploiting loss?: Ethical considerations, boundaries, and opportunities for the study of death and grief online. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
DeGroot, J. M., Green, D., Lewis, B., McCarty, N., Nolin, J., Palazzolo, K. (2012, November). Mediated out-of-class communication: Effects on student motivation to learn, student affective learning, and perceived credibility. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
Hoffman, T., & DeGroot, J. M. (2012, May). Information overload: Communicative responses to Facebook jealousy in romantic relationships. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ.
**Result of graduate student’s thesis
DeGroot, J. M., & Leith, A. P. (2011, November). R.I.P. Kutner: Parasocial relationships and grieving the death of a television character. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
**Result of independent study with graduate student
DeGroot, J. M. (2011, November). “For whom the bell tolls”: Parasocial relationships and emotional rubbernecking in Facebook memorial groups. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2010, November). “It may not be pretty but it’s honest”: Examining embodied parental grief on the Callapitter blog. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
DeGroot, J. M. (2010, November). Facebook memorial groups and emotional rubberneckers: Bridging the bereaved with the community. Participant on panel: Dying to Celebrate Your Life: Building Bridges in Response to Grief panel presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
DeGroot, J. M. (2010, November). Truth in urban legends?: Using to teach source evaluation. Teaching idea presented in the G.I.F.T.S. division at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. Peer reviewed.
DeGroot, J. M. (2009, November). Transcorporeal communication and the presence of the deceased other. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. [Top 4 Paper in the Spiritual Communication Division].
DeGroot, J. M. (2008, November). Facebook memorial walls and CMC’s effect on the grieving process. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
DeGroot, J. M. (2008, November). What your “friends” see: Self-disclosure and self-presentation on Facebook and MySpace profiles. Teaching idea presented in the G.I.F.T.S. division at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA. Peer reviewed.
DeGroot, J. M. (2008, November). Sinking or swimming: unCONVENTIONal preparation of graduate students. Participant and coordinator of roundtable presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
DeGroot, J. M. (2008, November). “We all have secrets”: Burke’s poetic forms in postcards. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.
Black. L. W., Welser, H. T., DeGroot, J. M., & Cosley, D. (2008, May). “Wikipedia is not a democracy”: Deliberation and policy-making in an online community. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
DeGroot, J. M. (2007, November). Where cultures collide: Illustrating intercultural differences in the communication classroom. Teaching idea presented in the G.I.F.T.S. division at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Peer reviewed.
DeGroot, J. M. (2007, November). Nonverbal communication behaviors of successful and unsuccessful leaders on NBC’s The Apprentice 3. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
DeGroot, J. M. (2007, November). I have a Master’s degree in Communication, now what? Highlighting perspectives of recent Communication graduates. Invited participant on roundtable panel at the convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2017, March). “You don’t get to decide what makes other people upset”: Traumatic birth and disenfranchised grief. Peer-reviewed competitive presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2013, April). Jon and Kate separate: Privacy management in the public sphere. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Kansas City, MO.
Ledbetter, A., DeGroot, J. M., Mao, Y., Mazer, J. P., Meyer, K., & Swafford, B. (2009, April). Attitudes toward online social connection and self disclosure as predictors of Facebook communication and relational closeness. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, St. Louis, MO. [Top Paper in the Interpersonal and Small Group Communication Division]
DeGroot, J. M. (2008, May). Promoting <awareness> or <trendy consumerism>?: Exploring health campaign artifacts as ideographical representations. Peer-reviewed competitive paper presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA.
Lessons from COVID: Loss and Reinvention (with Eric Ruckh and Chuck Harper). Center for Faculty Development and Innovation. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. September 23, 2021.
Motivating Employees. Construction Leadership Institute. March 26, 2021.
Meridian Interview Day 2021 Interviewer Orientation – Interview Score Norming (with Wyatt Teague and Eric Ruckh). Meridian Day Planning Committee. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. February 11 & 15, 2021.
Interpersonal Communication in a Clinical Setting (with Alicia Alexander). Speech Pathology Graduate Student Clinicians via Zoom. October 9, 2020; November 5, 2021.
Communication Training for SIUE Connectors. Cougar Connectors; Honors Student Association. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. August 19, 2020.
Teaching and Learning Continuity Panel Discussion: Student Engagement [Webinar]. Center for Faculty Development and Innovation and Instructional Design and Learning Technologies. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. April 8, 2020.
Basic Instructors Course. USTRANSCOM. Three-day training workshop coordinated through the SIUE School of Business. October 22-24, 2019
Interpersonal Communication in a Clinical Setting (with Alicia Alexander). Speech Pathology Graduate Student Clinicians. October 26, 2018; October 11, 2019.
Top Tips to Facilitate Your Freshman Groups (with Alicia Alexander). SIUE Experience Cougar Guide Training. Office of Student Affairs, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. August 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Teaching strategies for a new generation of learners. Dental School Faculty Retreat. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. June 4, 2018.
Presentation skills training. USTRANSCOM. Training coordinated through the SIUE School of Business. February 9, 2018.
Partisanship, personality, and the President (as part of CentralTendencyPAC). St. Louis Venture Café Gathering. St. Louis, MO. January 18, 2018.
Redesigning ACS 101. Course Redesign. Instructional Technology Services. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. April 21, 2017.
Active Listening for LGBTQ Allies (with Ann Taylor). Professional Development Workshop for SIUE Advisors. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. November 17, 2016
Humor in the Classroom (with Alicia Alexander and Zach Schaefer). KYSS Conference. Lewis and Clark Community College. Godfrey, IL. April 10, 2015.
Humor in the Classroom: What is and isn’t Appropriate (with Alicia Alexander and Zach Schaefer). Faculty Development Workshop. Office of Academic Innovation and Effectiveness, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. March 19, 2015.
Online teaching and creating realistic expectations in the online classroom. Teaching Talks: Shifting Pedagogy Toward the New Reality. Faculty Development Council of Faculty Senate, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. February 21, 2014.
Source Evaluation of Online-Based Information. Annual meeting of Gateway Media Literacy Partners. St. Louis, MO. July 10, 2013.
Professional social networking for organizations. Challenge Unlimited, Inc. Alton, IL. May 4, 2011.
Responsible social networking and professional development. Image Seminar. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. February 19, 2011.
What Facebook can teach us about death, dying, and relational continuity. Dialogue with Senior Citizens through the Office of Educational Outreach, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. March 31, 2010.