Carmack, H. C., & DeGroot, J. M. (in press). Franchising the disenfranchised: A qualitative content analysis of support messages in miscarriage sympathy cards. Journal of Loss & Trauma.
DeGroot, J. M. (in press). “You think this is hard? Just wait…”: Memorable messages in motherhood. Western Journal of Communication.
van Raalte, L. J., Burke, T. J., DeGroot, J. M., & Mellow, A. (2023). Examining changes in affection and “feeling touched out” after the birth of a child. Journal of Family Communication, 23(1), 52-62.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2023). Accidental and purposeful triggers of post-relationship grief. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 28(4), 391-403.
Stassen, H. M., Vik, T. A., Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023). The burdened burdensome woman: A critical feminist analysis of discussions of The New York Times’ homeschooling gender (dis)parity article. Southern Journal of Communication, 88(1), 30-39.
Burke, T. J., van Raalte, L. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023). Supportive coparenting, affection, and mental health after the birth of a child. Communication Reports, 36(1), 30-40.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2022). I know they meant well…”: Helpful and hurtful memorable messages during mourning. Journal of Loss & Trauma, 27(5), 418-430.
Vik, T. A., DeGroot, J. M., & Lanterman, J. L. (2022). Creating and using Facebook groups for collaborative (auto)ethnography and ethnographic sensemaking. Women’s Studies in Communication, 45(1), 10-25.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2021). “I don’t let everyone see my struggles”: Mothers’ social support and privacy management. Personal Relationships, 28, 475-494. [2021 NCA Interpersonal Communication Division Knower Award; Article of the Year]
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2021). Loss, meaning-making, and coping after the 2016 Presidential election. Illness, Crisis, & Loss, 29(2), 159-181.
Young, V. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2021). Topic avoidance as a boundary management strategy in communication with a mother-in-law. Family Relations, 70(2), 408-421.
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2021). “Fake smile. Everything is under control.”: The flawless performance of motherhood. Western Journal of Communication, 85(1), 42-60.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2020). Unexpected negative participant responses and researcher safety: “Fuck your survey and your safe space, trigger warning bullshit.” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 44(4), 354-375.
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2020). “The weight of our household rests on my shoulders”: Inequity in family work. Journal of Family Issues, 41(8), 1258-1281.
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2020). Communication apprehension about death, religious group affiliation, and religiosity: Predictors of organ and body donation decisions. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 81(4), 627-647.
DeGroot, J. M. (2019). [review of Continuing bonds in bereavement: New directions for research and practice.]. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 79(3), 340-342.
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2018). Trauma metaphor use after Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 Presidential election. Loss and Trauma, 23(6), 468-483.
DeGroot, J. M. (2018). Communication to/with/toward the deceased: A model of transcorporeal communication. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 78(1), 43-66.
DeGroot, J. M., & Blevins, K. (2017/2018). Definitions of and motivations for infidelity: A qualitative study. Journal of Communication, Speech, and Theatre of North Dakota, 30, 9-19.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot, J. M., & Huber, C. (2017/2018). Creeping and stalking behaviors in online and offline contexts. Journal of Communication, Speech, and Theatre of North Dakota, 30, 32-41.
** Result of Senior Project with undergraduate students
DeGroot, J. M. (2018). [review of Haunting hands: Mobile media practices and loss]. Critical Studies in Media Communication, 35(4), 398-400.
DeGroot, J. M., & Leith, A. P. (2018). R.I.P. Kutner: Parasocial grief following the death of a television character. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 77(3), 199-216.
**Result of independent study with graduate student
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2017). Disenfranchised grief following a traumatic birth. Loss and Trauma, 22(4), 346-356.
DeGroot, J. M., & Vik, T. A. (2017). “We were not prepared to tell people yet”: Confidentiality breaches and boundary turbulence on Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior 70, 351-359. 10.1016/j.chb.2017.01.016
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2016). Development and validation of the Communication Apprehension about Death Scale. OMEGA: Journal of Death & Dying, 74, 239-259.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2016). Catfished: Disenfranchised grief for the never existed. In E. Gilchrist-Petty & S. D. Long (Eds.), Dark side of communication contexts (pp. 189-201). New York: Peter Lang. Peer Reviewed.
Hoffman, T., K., & DeGroot, J. M. (2016). Facing the green-eyed monster: Identifying triggers of Facebook jealousy. In E. Gilchrist-Petty & S. D. Long (Eds.), Dark side of communication contexts (pp. 305-315). New York: Peter Lang. Peer Reviewed.
**Result of a graduate student thesis
DeGroot, J. M., Young, V. J., & VanSlette, S. (2015, December). Will this be on the #test? Communication Currents, 10(6). Invited paper based on findings from “Twitter use and its effects on student perception of instructor credibility.” Communication Education. Available at
DeGroot, J. M., Young, V. J., & VanSlette, S. (2015). Twitter use and its effects on student perception of instructor credibility. Communication Education, 64(4), 419-437.
Hoffman, T., & DeGroot, J. M. (2014-2015). Communicative responses to Facebook jealousy: The effects of information overload in romantic relationships. Journal of Communication, Speech, and Theatre Association of North Dakota, 27, 15-22.
**Result of graduate student’s thesis
Carmack, H. J., DeGroot, J. M., & Quinlan, M. M. (2015). “A view from the top”: Crafting the male “domdentity” in domestic discipline relationships. Journal of Men’s Studies, 23(1), 63-78.
DeGroot, J. M., Carmack, H. J., & Quinlan, M. M. (2015). "Topping from the bottom": Relational convergence of meaning in domestic discipline relationships. Sexuality & Culture, 19(1), 85-102.
DeGroot, J. M., & Coy, H. (2014). "I don't always look at memes, but when I do, it's for a class": Using memes to demonstrate language rules. Discourse: The Journal of the SCASD, 1, 69-73.
**Result of independent study with graduate student
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2014). Jon and Kate separate: Changing privacy boundaries. Journal of Communication, Speech and Theatre Association of North Dakota, 26, 50-60.
Carmack, H. J., & DeGroot, J. M. (2013-2014). Exploiting loss?: Ethical considerations, boundaries, and opportunities for the study of death and grief online. Omega: Journal of Death & Dying, 68(4), 311-331.
DeGroot, J. M. (2014). “For whom the bell tolls”: Emotional rubbernecking in Facebook memorial groups. Death Studies, 38(2), 79-84.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2013) “It may not be pretty but it’s honest”: Examining embodied parental grief on the Callapitter blog. Death Studies 37, 448-470.
DeGroot, J. M. (2012). Maintaining relational continuity with the deceased on Facebook. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 65(3), 195-212.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2012). Blogging as a means of grieving. In T. Dumova & R. Fiordo (Eds.), Blogging in the global society (pp. 161-177). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Black, L. W., Welser, H. T., Cosley, D., & DeGroot, J. M. (2011). Self-governance through group discussion in Wikipedia: Measuring deliberation in online groups. Small Group Research, 42(5), 595-634.
Ledbetter, A. M., Mazer, J. P., DeGroot, J. M., Mao, Y., Meyer, K. R., & Swafford, B. (2011). Attitudes toward online social connection and self disclosure as predictors of Facebook communication and relational closeness. Communication Research, 38, 27-53.
DeGroot, J. M. (2011). Truth in urban legends?: Using to teach source evaluation. Communication Teacher, 25(2), 86-89.
DeGroot, J. M. (2008). Where cultures collide: Illustrating intercultural differences. B. S. Hugenberg & L. W. Hugenberg (Eds.), Teaching ideas for the basic communication course: Vol. 12 (pp. 145-148). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt
DeGroot, J. M. (2007). May I ask a question? Prompting discussion in the basic course. In B. S. Hugenberg & L. W. Hugenberg (Eds.), Teaching ideas for the basic communication course: Vol. 11 (pp. 159-163). Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Case Studies
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M. (2023) “I don’t want to be judged”: Social support and privacy management. In S. Symonds-LeBlanc & S. O'Shay (Eds.), Casing the family: Theoretical and applied approaches to understanding family communication (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt.
Vik, T. A., & DeGroot, J. M., (2019). Mommin’ ain’t easy: Conforming to society expectations on Facebook and in real life. In S. Symonds LeBlanc (Ed.), Casing the family: Theoretical and applied approaches to understanding family communication (pp. 103-112). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
DeGroot, J. M., & Young, V. J. (2019). In-law communication and privacy management: Rules, boundaries, and turbulence. In S. Symonds LeBlanc (Ed.), Casing the family: Theoretical and applied approaches to understanding family communication (pp. 137-146). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
DeGroot, J. M., & Carmack, H. J. (2019). The modality switch effect: Public grief online, social support offline. In J. Mazer (Ed.), Communication and social media: Case studies across personal and professional relationships (pp. 72-79). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Textbook Contributions
DeGroot, J., & Alexander, A (2015). Teaching online courses in interpersonal communication. In A. Alexander & E. Natalle (Eds.), Teaching Interpersonal Communication (2nd ed.; pp. 101-123). Boston, MA: Bedford-St. Martins.
DeGroot, J. M., Kotey, E., & Russell, L. (2008). Evaluating a speaker. In K. R. Meyer, J. P. Mazer, & D. A. West (Eds.), yOU speak: Skills for the engaged speaker (pp. 19-29). Boston: McGraw-Hill.